Advanced English Text Reader


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Narrator: Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills, there lived two best friends named Alice and Bob.

Character A: Hey Bob, did you hear about the new ice cream shop that just opened downtown?

Character B: No, I didn’t! That sounds exciting, Alice. Want to check it out this afternoon?

Character A: Absolutely! I heard they have some really unique flavors.

Narrator: As Alice and Bob walked towards the town center, they could already smell the sweet aroma of freshly made waffle cones.

Character B: Wow, can you smell that? It’s making my mouth water already!

Character A: Me too! I can’t wait to try their special flavor of the day.

Narrator: Upon reaching the colorful storefront, they saw a sign that read “Today’s Special: Moonlight Mint Chip”.

Character A: Moonlight Mint Chip? That sounds intriguing!

Character B: Let’s each get a scoop and share. What do you say?

Character A: Great idea, Bob! This is going to be delicious.

Narrator: And so, Alice and Bob embarked on their sweet adventure, ready to create new memories over scoops of unusual ice cream flavors.